In 2015, after competing in Vegas, I traveled to London to compete in the World Burlesque Games and perform in Pinky Deville's UK production. In between shows and sightseeing I squeezed in a photoshoot with Adam Robertson Photography. We had so much fun and even ended up getting rained on and having to find cover while the afternoon storm breezed by.

Feisty Fuego's progression of a laugh standing in front of a moving carousal in London.

The jacket was vintage from my grandmother. Unfortunately, it has been lost since 2016. It was forgotten in a Vegas hotel and never found or turned in. Oh well, I hope someone is enjoying it.
Photoshoots on the streets always feels like a performance. I was actually really nervous and can see my anxieties in my body in the shots where we were surrounded by people. Makes me want to give my past self a hug and push my shoulders down.
But luckily, shooting with Adam was very natural and we laughed our way throughout the streets. I hope one day we can shoot again and have some tea, this time without having to dry out from the rain.
Photos Adam Robertson Photography
MUAH Feisty Fuego
Model Feisty Fuego
Gown & Jacket Vintage
Necklace, Hat, and Gloves Vintage from Bad Madge in San Diego